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Showing results 1 to 20 of 26  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2003-05-13Conference Panafricaine des Jeunes sur le SidaRusimbi, John
2001Convention pour les Subventions LocalesRusimbi, John
1999-11-12Forthcoming title by the time she returned ( refugee's tale)Rusimbi, John
2000-01-08Gahunda yo Gusura AmaperefegituraRusimbi, John
2000-03-03Gukurikirana Ikiciro cya kabiri cy'Umushinga PYDRusimbi, John
2000-11-28Gusaba InkungaRusimbi, John
2000-07-25Gusaba uburenganzi bwo gushyiraho umukoziRusimbi, John
1999-10-22Gusura Urwibutso rwa Murambi kw'Abashyitsi bitabiriye Inama MpuzamahangaRusimbi, John
1999-03-04Inama ya Komite Tekenike Ishinzwe Ingando Yakizwe Kuwa 4 Mutarama 1999Kabandana, Marc; Rusimbi, John
1999-04-24Inyandiko Mvugo y'Inama ya Komite Tekenike Ishinzwe Ingabo Yabaye Tariko 27.04.1999Rusimbi, John
1998-04-27Inyandiko-Nyibusta (MEMORANDUM)yerekeranye N"Ingendo Zo Gutegura Inama Y"urubyiruko Rwo Mukarere K"Africa U Rwanda RutuyemoRusimbi, John
2000-04-06Kohereza RaporoRusimbi, John
2000-04-06Kohereza RaporoRusimbi, John
2000-04-06Kohereza Raporo.Rusimbi, John
1996-11-18Kwohereza Raporo Y'Ibintu ByibweRusimbi, John
1999Raporo y' Amatora y' Urubyiruko muri Perefegitura ya KibungoRusimbi, John
1999-01-19Raporo y'Amatora muri Perefegitura ya KibungoRusimbi, John
2000-08-31Recrutement du personnel pour le progrmme sectoriel de lutte contre le SIDA chez les jeunesRusimbi, John
2000Statement -National Youth CouncilDan Fred, Kidega; Rusimbi, John
1997-08-30Ubufatanye bw'urubyiruko hagati y'U Rwanda n'amahanga 30/08/1997Rusimbi, John