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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 401 to 420 of 1066
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1960-01-15Accord de donner la recompense promiseRuhengeri
1953Immigration M.I.BM, Dessaint
1958-10-04Rapport Trimestriel AgricoleJ, Geraerts
1956Development IndustrielJ, Petit
1956Rapport Annuel 1944J, Petit
1958Rapport AnnuelJ, Geraerts
1956Rapport annuel AgriJ, Geraerts
1939Declaration de creanceKibungo
1960Institut national pour l'etude agronomique du congo et du Ruanda-UrundiJ, Petit
1958Rapport Trimestriel AgricoleJ, Geraerts
1958-10Rapport mensuel de l'agronomie adjoint principal J.geraertsJ, Geraerts
1937Recruitment ClandestinM, Willaert
1953-03-24Sujets du KenyaMinesupres
1953Avis Vaux Banyarwanda Elicrant en Uganda-
1958-12Pro JustifiaKibungo
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 401 to 420 of 1066